Heard about Luo Han Guo, or monk fruit! Many of you may be confused. Don’t you know whether this dark brown oval fruit with a hard texture belongs to fruit or traditional Chinese medicine? Yes, it’s a fruit that appears on the shelves of traditional Chinese medicine. Also, it can often be seen in dried fruit shops and snack shops.

So many people think it is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine and generally drink with dried Luo Han Guo brewed water. It has less water and pulp, and it is different from the fruit that people often eat. In fact, Luo Han Guo is really a natural fruit, but it can be used as both medicine and food.

Luo Han Guo fruit is sweet and cool. Traditional Chinese medicine is believed to be attributed to the lung and large intestine meridians, so it can moisten the lungs and cough, generate saliva and cool blood, clear away heat and thirst, and moisten the intestines and defecate.

Especially in the hot summer, many people like to use Luo Han Guo with boiled water to drink. It tastes sweet, thirst-quenching, and throat moistening.

Although it has so many benefits, many people with diabetes refuse it because Luo Han Guo is very sweet. If it is recommended to sugar patients, their first reaction is that I have diabetes and need to control sugar, so how can I drink such sweet water?

Although Luo Han Guo is very sweet, and its sweetness is even 300 times higher than sucrose, it does not produce heat. Diabetics can ultimately use it to replace sucrose. Is it amazing to eat it at ease?

Luo Han Guo fruits

Why can diabetics eat such sweet Luo Han Guo

According to the research, the sweet glucoside contained in Luo Han Guo is a natural and ideal sweetener. In addition, this sweetener will not produce heat, so it will not only not increase blood sugar but also help reduce blood sugar.

Moreover, there are up to 38.6 grams of dietary fiber per hundred grams of Luo Han Guo, as well as a variety of vitamins, niacin, calcium, iron, selenium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and other trace elements, which have a good role in preventing obesity, improving glucose metabolism, protecting blood vessels, preventing hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

Therefore, diabetics do not need to worry about this, they can eat it safely, and it is also conducive to controlling blood sugar.

More than that, ordinary people often drink Luo Han Guo tea, which has the effects of clearing the throat, protecting eyes and eyesight, and delaying aging.

Luo Han Guo tea cup and fruits

How much Luo Han Guo fruit tea to drink for diabetics

Speaking of this, maybe diabetics are relieved and want to drink, but the problem arises again. Although they know that Luo Han Guo tea can be drunk, how much do they need to drink?

As for how much to drink, it depends on the diabetics‘ respective blood glucose control. After drinking Luo Han Guo fruit tea, you must monitor blood glucose. If it is found that blood glucose will not fluctuate after drinking, you can drink it at ease.

How to drink Luo Han Guo tea for diabetics

Because Luo Han Guo has an auxiliary hypoglycemic effect, if you take hypoglycemic drugs simultaneously after drinking a large amount of fruit and fruit tea, your blood glucose may be low. Therefore, if you want to drink more, you’d better consult your doctor first.

It should also be noted that don’t soak the whole Luo Han Guo in water to drink. Instead, the correct way to soak Luo Han Guo in water should be to clean it, break the shell, break the pulp into several small pieces, and then take the appropriate amount and brew it with boiling water so that the sweetness is moderate. The nutrients in the pulp can be better soaked.

Luo Han Guo tea and fruits

Of course, Luo Han Guo can also be brewed with other teas. For example, you can drink Luo Han Guo with Cyclocarya Paliurus tea, and the hypoglycemic effect will be better because Cyclocarya Paliurus tea itself is a healthy tea that is very beneficial to reducing blood sugar, fat, and blood pressure and maintaining the cardiovascular system.

In short, diabetics should pay attention to dietary conditioning at ordinary times and have a detailed understanding of which foods are not suitable to eat, which foods can be eaten often, and which foods have hypoglycemic effects, which is more helpful in getting rid of the trouble of diabetes.


Sam Perera, Founder of Stethostalk, is a food safety follower and organic food lover. He has completed the PLANT-BASED NUTRITION Cornell Certificate Program, Cornell University, US. Before this, he worked for a few years in IT services. A dedicated follower of nature, he believes in healing with natural foods. In his free time, he loves Gardening, Blogging, and traveling.